Smoked Pastrami
This is a fantastic step-by-step recipe on how to make pastrami! Incredible flavor and perfect for sandwiches, rarely are there any leftovers. This incredible smoked pastrami may be devoured in a fraction of the time it takes to cure and smoke beef brisket, but after one bite of this homemade pastrami, you’ll agree that the wait was worth it.
Pickling Brine:
1 flat of brisket (pastrami)
1 cinnamon stick
2 table spoon of coriander seeds
1/2 table spoon of dill seeds
1 table spoon of cloves
1 table spoon of red crushed pepper
1 table spoon of allspice
2 tea spoons of ground black pepper
1 tablespoon of pink curing salt
2 table spoons of garlic powder
2 table spoons of ground ginger
2 table spoons of onion powder
1 cup of granulated sugar
1 cup of kosher salt
1 gallon of water
1 gallon of ice
Yellow mustard as a binder
2 table spoons of crushed of coriander seeds
2 table spoons of crushed ground black pepper
In a gallon of boiling water add all of the pickling spices, mixing well while cooking for 5 minutes.
In a large enough tub pour the pickling brine over the ice mixing well until cool, add pastrami flat cover and refrigerate for 5 days.
After the pickling period is over remove the pastrami flat from the brine, rinse really well, pat dry and brush on enough yellow mustard for the rub.
Rub enough of the crushed coriander seeds and black pepper over the flat.
Bring smoker to 250 F (121.1C) and place pastrami flat in the middle rack for 4 hours using hickory bisquettes.
After the 4 hours, double wrap the pastrami in aluminum foil and return to the smoker at 280 F (137.8C) for 4 hours (no more smoke needed at this time), until an internal temperature of about 205 F (96.1C) to 210 F (98.9C) is reached.
Bring it indoors, cover for about an hour before serving and enjoy.

The strong and sweet flavour of Hickory Bisquettes make it one of the more popular woods for smoking, and especially pairs well with poultry, beef, pork, game, water fowl, nuts, and cheese.
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